July 18, 2024

Customer Success Story: How A Senior Safety Manager Uses MindForge to Stay Connected

At MindForge, we love connecting company and project leaders, office support team members, and front-line employees in a way that the construction industry has never seen before – enhancing communication strategies, training capabilities, and management. 

Even more exciting is when we hear that our platform is helping our clients accomplish these goals and more – and we want to share these stories with you!

“When I first heard about MindForge, it almost seemed too good to be true,” said Oscar Jimenez, who serves as a Senior Safety Manager.  “But I really saw the difference that it made. I became an advocate.”

Jimenez used the MindForge platform at several companies over the years and he noticed one common thread.

“You really see how communication improves once you start using the platform,” he said. “Not just from the leadership to the frontline, but also from project to project. In my case, I was working at a company that had projects all over the state (of California). Some communications need to be project or site specific, but some safety messages really do need to be shared across communities. One time, we had an electrical cord that started heating up and caused a fire. People responded and addressed it. But we shared the lesson and our actions with all jobsites all over the state so people would know what to do and how to respond accordingly. That message got out to everyone, in the same way. It was huge.”

It's a challenge that most in the construction industry are familiar with. 

“Safety programs don’t keep people safe if the team doesn’t take the steps they need to,” said Jimenez. “And communication doesn’t do any good if the messages aren’t shared with the people performing the work. Sharing information gives the team a higher sense of awareness creating a safer work environment which provides a higher sense of awareness on the job. Promoting communication is critical to creating a safe and supported work environment.”

“Those were really the success stories that made a difference,” he said. “The ease with which we were able to promote fire safety and prevention in various cities in the same way was huge – sending messages to one another, handling deficiencies and training issues. The ability to communicate a consistent message has made a huge impact in the lives of our team members and subcontractors.” 

The ability to track training was also a huge operational improvement. 

“When I first heard about MindForge, it almost seemed too good to be true, but I really saw the difference that it made. I became an advocate."

“As most contractors do, We send out tool box topics weekly yet we had no insight as to who was viewing them,” he said. “We had no way to know if they were making an impact. Were people actually opening the messages? With MindForge, we now have the ability to confirm whether a worker viewed the message MindForge makes it easy for the worker to  acknowledge with a thumbs up that they’ve viewed the message and information attached. 

MindForge also provides the ability to ask questions, which helps with liability as well.”

“At one jobsite,  a worker suffers a heat illness and we were at risk of receiving a citation because there was a question as to whether we had trained the team on heat illness prevention,” he said. “It was a stressful  situation. We had to prove that we had provided training and information to everyone on the project/team. MindForge made it easy to go back and view the details of each worker's participation. We submitted the MindForge report to the OSHA inspector who confirmed we had met all the requirements. Our whole team felt lucky to have a system like MindForge.”

“At the end of the day, first and foremost it’s about keeping people safe,” Jimenez said. “But you obviously want to protect your company as well.”  

That improvement has also been seen in onboarding front line workers as well, he said.

“MindForge has  also been instrumental in providing and tracking orientation on multiple jobsites,” Jimenez relayed. “The platform helps with not just training but pre-planning and communicating with subcontractors. It has simplified the processes and procedures giving project teams more time to manage the work.”

 Onboarding a new worker to your jobsite is as easy as getting them to load the MindForge mobile app and onboarding via a unique code per contractor. The onboarding  video with specific information is automatically assigned once you onboard with your code. This simplicity has cut down the time spent on orientations  significantly and makes onboarding and tracking much easier. 

–Also helpful, he said, is the customer service.

“You always have a team there to support that is willing to listen and hear recommendations,” he said. “That’s really rare and something I’ve never seen before.”

MindForge’s mission is to bridge the gap between leadership and the front-line worker. Having partners like Oscar Jimenez help us improve as we work towards enhancing the experience for those who work in the field. 

How else can MindForge help safety professionals? 

Check out this article or sign up for a free trial of MindForge

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