July 18, 2024

Improving Operational Efficiency Starts With Improving Communication

Work stoppages on the job site seem like a normal part of the day. Whether it’s a last-minute change to parking, shortage of supplies or word-of-mouth training and safety updates that take workers away from the task at hand, there are various barriers throughout the day that reduce valuable time spent on the job.

These might seem like small distractions, but when combined, you could actually lose 50% of productivity time each day, leaving just 4.25 hours available for work tasks to be done.

Advancements in job site technology are streamlining communication, increasing productivity, and saving resources.

MindForge’s digital holistic communication and training hub was designed to unite construction organizations and simplify workforce communication, maximizing performance quality. Your team is accustomed to using mobile devices in their daily lives, and making the switch to a digital platform to communicate emergency alerts, shipment delays, safety training and job site updates minimizes the need for workers to completely stop the task they’re working on. Worksites that use MindForge are seeing an increased total of seven hours available to focus on the actual job.

Increasing productivity

Improving operational efficiency and productivity on a construction site begins with improved communication. With many moving parts on a typical construction site, it’s critical to equip workers with the knowledge, skills and information that empowers them to avoid hazards and do great work. With MindForge, managers and safety teams can get information out fast, engaging the entire workforce without calling for a physical huddle and significantly increasing efficiency.

Minimizing job site stoppages increases productivity and saves your team valuable time to get the job done, and not to mention helps your bottom line. After deploying the MindForge platform, Pankow saved more than $12,000 in training time on a single job site. How much time could your team save?

Improved communication and training methods can also help identify and reduce gaps in training, which can halt productivity. For example, within MindForge, a worksite manager can quickly check to see if a worker is trained to operate a scissor lift. Training on mobile devices in the field saved one organization, Pankow, 641 hours, training 47 workers on 6 required topics.

Avoiding conditions that lead to errors

Not only can improved communication increase productivity and the pace of work, but it can help to create a project environment that has a significantly reduced amount of miscommunications and operational errors, mitigating the need to re-do work. The MindForge platform allows management to distribute videos to craft workers that demonstrate in real-time how to perform tasks in a manner that supports your quality expectations and your culture of quality. By having a quick, efficient and clear line of communication, quality issues can quickly be identified and resolved.

The full suite of MindForge centers work together to push critical information, skills and knowledge directly into the hands of the craft workers and better connect all levels of construction organizations.

To learn more about how the MindForge platform improves operational efficiency, reach out to us here.

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